Engaging Experiences & Workshops
Our forest bathing walks and workshops are based on the Forest Therapy Hub method and Liquid Interactions Model and support the understanding that health and wellbeing are dynamic and relative experiences. This holistic approach promotes the five stages of health and pathways to nature connectedness to elevate physical, psychological, social, spiritual and environmental wellbeing through a carefully crafted series of nature connection activities in green spaces.
Forest Bathing walks range from a personal 1:1 wellbeing practice or regular workplace wellbeing activity to part of a team building workshop or day retreat. It can also be incorporated into a more comprehensive wellbeing plan as part of a forest or nature therapy programme.
Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing For Your Health and Wellbeing
Shinrin-yoku is the Japanese practice of letting nature into our body through our senses. The literal translation is ‘to bathe in the atmosphere of the forest’. In English, it is known as Forest Bathing.
Forest bathing is different from any other type of nature walk. Gentle walks of around 1-1½ kilometers (½-1 mile) last from 2-3 hours. Guided sessions offer activities that support the awakening of your senses. This reduces the static of your inner voice, allows you to be present and helps you establish a connection to nature.
The psychological and physical benefits of forest bathing include:
- reduced stress and anxiety
- lower blood pressure and heart rate
- reduced inflammation
- improved cardiac and pulmonary function
- increased focus
- enhanced mood
- reduced mental and physical pain
Forest Bathing FAQs
What is Forest Bathing?
How is it different from a hike?
What can I get from it?
I'm not very fit, can I still do it?
What do you do when it rains?
Do I need to bring anything with me?
How many people are there on a walk?
Guided Walks & Workshops
Walk & Talk Sessions
Perfect for a lunchtime reset!
All Walk & Talk Sessions blend gentle movement, mindfulness and sensory immersion to support the deepening of your connection to nature and promote the five stages of wellbeing.
Stepping out of your typical environment into nature removes the triggers that cause frustration, stress, anxiety, and unresourceful self-talk and behaviour.
Experience facilitated coaching, natural observation, and nature immersive moments as we weave through various landscapes from town to country lane, farmland to woodland.
Learning Points:
- Self Care with Nature.
- Triggers and how to deal with them.
- New Communication Skills.
- Self Coaching Techniques.
- Mindfulness for Wellbeing.
Location: Outdoors
Group Size: 4-12 participants
Duration: 1 hour
Price: Starting at £20/participant
Contact us to learn more.
Personal Desire Paths
Ideal for Professional and Creative Development and Team Building!
Desire paths are the paths created by humans and wildlife that defy planned walkways. They are typically created to make a journey quicker or easier.
Just like with public parks, gardens and wild settings, desire paths exist within our minds. Plans we started yet abandoned, ideas we have and use occasionally and thoughts that continuously enter our minds are all desire paths. And then there are those desire paths that settle. Instead of working within the boundaries someone else sets, we find a way to make it easier, quicker or work better for us.
Learning Points:
- What is a desire path.
- Which ones are settled in you.
- Why you abandon some and revisit others.
- How to tell which to abandon.
- How to keep on track with the ones that best suite you.
Location: Outdoors
Group Size: 4-12 participants
Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting at £35/participant
Contact us to learn more.
Nature for Performance
Great for Workplace Wellbeing, Mental Acuity and Inspired Creativity!
This is for everyone in your office. Each team member will learn something about themselves and how by bringing nature into the workplace they can improve their personal performance, shield themselves from building stress and reduce high blood pressure, heart-rate, and cortisol levels.
We’ll discuss the term nature connectedness, how it relates to our health and wellbeing, and how it supports the health and vitality of our planet.
Learning Points:
- What is nature connectedness.
- How to build nature connectedness in the office.
- Natural strategies for wellbeing, performance, and creativity.
- How to identify when and where nature can help.
- How mini-breaks with nature can help.
Includes a short forest bathing experience.
Location: Indoors and Outdoors
Group Size: Up to 20 participants
Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting at £35/participant
Contact us to learn more.
We are an Ecotourism Partner
Are you looking to elevate your visitor experience? If you’re a land owner, economic development professional, employer, wellbeing service provider, lodging or retreat facility, we bring forest bathing, guided walks and workshops to you to enhance visitor experience.
If you want to partner with us and offer these services at your location, let us know!